Monday, September 16, 2013

Rant of the Day: Cell Phones

Albert Einstein was right.

 I used to like smartphones. I used to think they were so cool, until now where I feel like they are  taking over our everyday lives. everyone is always on their cell phone, they always have it out and are playing with it, emailing, texting or tweeting. It's like that scene in Walle where all those fat people are talking on their computers,  ignoring everyone and everything around them.  What really annoys me is that people just whip out their cell phones whenever they feel like it, even when it is in the middle of a conversation. I'll be talking, and then BOOM the cell phone is out and it is like I have disappeared. Were they even listening to what I was saying? Sometimes I feel like just wallowing in self pity and can't help but think that they are on their cell phone because they don't want to talk to me. That whatever I am saying isn't worth their attention so they use their cell phone as an excuse to not listen because I am not worth it. What was the point of coming out to dinner, or getting together for coffee if we are just going to sit on our cell phones and not talk? How can a cell phone, an inanimate object be more important than a best friend, sister, or girlfriend? Unless it is "Grandma just died" or "I need you to call 911 because I caught the kitchen on fire and am trapped underneath a fallen fridge" I think it can wait.  This has happened to many times to me that I cant help but think is it me? Am I so repulsive/boring/weird that people would rather be on their cell phones checking facebook/email/twitter than talk to me? What is wrong with me? It's not that hard to put the phone away, the messages wont delete themselves, the youtube video wont go away and the that interesting tweet will still be there.

The sad thing is, I don't think people know that they are being rude or insensitive. that is has been so engrained into us as "normal" behavior, that we don't think twice about pulling the phone out and answering a text right in the middle of a conversation. Well it IS rude and it IS insensitive. I almost miss the days when we had the old Nokia phones that didn't have the capability to text or check email. It was so much simpler, back then. now people are always on their phone, always staying connected with email, facebook, twitter, ebay etc. I just think its really rude, and insulting when I am talking to a person and all of a sudden their attention is diverted because they got a text, or a tweet or a whatever the fuck it is that apparently is more important than what I am talking about.

I put my phone away when I am talking with someone. It's as simple as that. if i really need to check it, I'll excuse myself and check it in private. That's the polite thing to do. Whats so hard about doing that? whats so hard about saying "oh sorry, but this is really important and I have to check it."? I always feel so awkward and offended when i am eating dinner with someone and they whip out their phone to check something. then we just sit there in silence while i patiently wait for the person to finish what they are doing. how does that look? it looks like that person is not interested in being with me, that they would rather be on their cell phone talking with someone else than hold a conversation with me.  That whatever I am saying is invalid and unimportant to them.

It drives me up the wall, to the point where I feel like screaming "FINE! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO TALK WITH ME, THAN I'LL JUST LEAVE!!" storm out of the room and slam the door behind me. But I can't do that. It's not proper, and I don't think I can get that aggressive. I'm usually a very nice person. This new, 21st century behavior sucks though, and it needs to change or else I really am going to loose it. Texting is fine when you need something, but it should not be the only means of communication. When we text, e-mail, Facebook, and the like, we lose a vital piece of relationships: the emotional connection.  Without the sound of our voices, the body language, the touch, we as humans lose what God intended to be a vital part of how we are supposed to relate and a vital part of how we are supposed to receive love and be in communion with others.

And it's just rude to text while someone is talking. Just saying.

Peace out.


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